we need to have it more often. i officiallyy(SC) love jessicakim hahaha well she's jus sooo amaing and i can trust her with lots of things. and i love talking about boys with her cus she's not those prude asians so she understands me. us "whitewashed" asians hahah. well she's sooo scrumdilyumscious heehee :) you gotta love her. theres no reason to hate right? and we have horrible family lives but we have eachother to remind us that we're never alone and that life can be alot worse. finding the brightsides :) well jessica, i love you too much. and how i can be myself in front of you. you amaze me and your the little gossipgirl i need. and yes, next time, we'll bake :] i love dah-ling. you are so amazing even if you like a pedo hahah, i love youuuuu its crazy. although we're different, we're so much the same. she's the talking mirror i need. i can trust her compliments and critisisms becus o know that she's truthful. i love youu and i hope we have a bombdiggity time today. btw walking is my weakness point hahaha. i love how you find the beauty in things and w/ee. love booboo and we should watch some JBD next timee.
hahahhaa xoxo crazy in love with you
sooo i havent updated in a whileee and yeahh. nothing really happen yet. i went to linduh's house and then annie. then on a different day, i went to annnie's and yaknow sleptover. did some mud mask shit, and some important happened on that day i was at linduh's house. wanna know what it is? you'll flip.
hahahahhaa i can imagine jiin jus look at the screen and screaming "finallly!" hahahah i love my friends. well yeah. today i think im going to work my butt off with summer reading that i decided not to do. hahhaa two more books. yay-_- i hate my life. someone please come and save me. oooooh and im hungry. i wish i was born rich. and i wish i can runaway. man. oooh and jessicakim, i sent chu a little somethinggg. i miss chu and happy belated birthday <3>
last two weeks of summer:
08/27- stay home, read and write
08/28- nick's house? jessica kim?
08/29- library to get my second book then susan's
08/30- church with susan/ come home and read.
08/31- no effing idea
09/01- venice schedule pickups then hangout w/marisa and leah
09/02- sally=melrose (:
09/03- back to school shopping? (^)
09/04- no effing idea
09/05- go to susan's for church
09/06- come back and do some hw.
09/07- no effing idea
09/08- READ MY EFFING BUTT OFF. (unless im done.)
09/09- school starts. oh yay-_-
hahahahhaa i can imagine jiin jus look at the screen and screaming "finallly!" hahahah i love my friends. well yeah. today i think im going to work my butt off with summer reading that i decided not to do. hahhaa two more books. yay-_- i hate my life. someone please come and save me. oooooh and im hungry. i wish i was born rich. and i wish i can runaway. man. oooh and jessicakim, i sent chu a little somethinggg. i miss chu and happy belated birthday <3>
last two weeks of summer:
08/27- stay home, read and write
08/28- nick's house? jessica kim?
08/29- library to get my second book then susan's
08/30- church with susan/ come home and read.
08/31- no effing idea
09/01- venice schedule pickups then hangout w/marisa and leah
09/02- sally=melrose (:
09/03- back to school shopping? (^)
09/04- no effing idea
09/05- go to susan's for church
09/06- come back and do some hw.
09/07- no effing idea
09/08- READ MY EFFING BUTT OFF. (unless im done.)
09/09- school starts. oh yay-_-
the last few days
how amazing was palms springs?

that bamfs drew on me.
pretty fucking amazing
at first i was like ehh
cus the only people that were going were losers but w/e. soo i took a huge bag of clothes and a somewhat smaller bag to ecc that morning. i sat and sat for about 5 minutes. these little 6th grade girls were asking me to play cards with themm sooo i agreed and started playing. that's probably when andrew the fatty walked in and attempted to steal my phone. it was pretty stupid. and then andrew was all like "i want jamba juice" and i was likee BUY ME ONE but then he was like "walk with me" sooo i agreed and he bought me jamba juice cus he loves me. haha well yeah, we walked back to ecc and watch charlie and the chocolate factory. and then jason the stare boy came. and then jiin the one who doesnt answer her phone came. and then later on, we left. me jiin and jimbo. we got to ecc 3hours earlier than the rest of the people. we had some chipotle which was amazing. and then we just waited in our rooms til the rest of the afterschool came. so basically it was a boring beginning. minus the jamba juice and chipotle. soooooooo thenn the people came, we went into our rooms, we fell on our beds that came off the walls and just stayed like that for a while. i love palms springs. and thennn we went swimming i think... well anyways. lemme make this blog easier to type. palms springs was filled with:
-yummy jamba juice, yummy chipotle, swimming everyday, baking a cake that was a bit dry, bike riding at 6 am, being disappointed in jimbo, eating dinner at sandy's, having annoying 6th grade girls in our room, a huge mess in our rooms and bathroom, annoying shower shedules, jiin losing her bag, go-carts with the craziest driver alive, sock baseballs, have a hat war with andrew, jiin and her definitions of flirting, the longest talk i ever had with jiin, my love for jiin, hearing juhong sing again, this realllllly unusually nice kid, watching seven pounds and music and lyrics, pulling an all nighter, lauren and her fast modes get major breakouts, dizz biiitch steve, poker games, being so ugly everyday, andrew being so "nice" to me, the radings (spell check), the random calls from nickypoo, jus biking and then falling thanks to the craziest rider ever, finally becoming andrew friend, and lastly get random messages from sarah saying "CHANNING TATUM!<3"
ahahhaha palms springs was lots of fun. as you can see^
but chyeah, that was the last one ever. soo im pretty depressed. cus it was the LAST ONE. unless me and jiin find a way to find enough money to go there again. it was pretty fun. and i will miss it. alot.
these 6th graders;
"omg water went up my nose!" jenny
"omg water went in my nose mouth!" grace
"uhhh, im just doing my fast mode" lauren
"i know why you cant say the n word" jenny
"why not?" jiin
"because then black people will come and kill you" jenny
friggin cutieee

the ecc fam
thanks for the memors guys <3
x x x x x,jessica
that bamfs drew on me.
pretty fucking amazing
at first i was like ehh
cus the only people that were going were losers but w/e. soo i took a huge bag of clothes and a somewhat smaller bag to ecc that morning. i sat and sat for about 5 minutes. these little 6th grade girls were asking me to play cards with themm sooo i agreed and started playing. that's probably when andrew the fatty walked in and attempted to steal my phone. it was pretty stupid. and then andrew was all like "i want jamba juice" and i was likee BUY ME ONE but then he was like "walk with me" sooo i agreed and he bought me jamba juice cus he loves me. haha well yeah, we walked back to ecc and watch charlie and the chocolate factory. and then jason the stare boy came. and then jiin the one who doesnt answer her phone came. and then later on, we left. me jiin and jimbo. we got to ecc 3hours earlier than the rest of the people. we had some chipotle which was amazing. and then we just waited in our rooms til the rest of the afterschool came. so basically it was a boring beginning. minus the jamba juice and chipotle. soooooooo thenn the people came, we went into our rooms, we fell on our beds that came off the walls and just stayed like that for a while. i love palms springs. and thennn we went swimming i think... well anyways. lemme make this blog easier to type. palms springs was filled with:
-yummy jamba juice, yummy chipotle, swimming everyday, baking a cake that was a bit dry, bike riding at 6 am, being disappointed in jimbo, eating dinner at sandy's, having annoying 6th grade girls in our room, a huge mess in our rooms and bathroom, annoying shower shedules, jiin losing her bag, go-carts with the craziest driver alive, sock baseballs, have a hat war with andrew, jiin and her definitions of flirting, the longest talk i ever had with jiin, my love for jiin, hearing juhong sing again, this realllllly unusually nice kid, watching seven pounds and music and lyrics, pulling an all nighter, lauren and her fast modes get major breakouts, dizz biiitch steve, poker games, being so ugly everyday, andrew being so "nice" to me, the radings (spell check), the random calls from nickypoo, jus biking and then falling thanks to the craziest rider ever, finally becoming andrew friend, and lastly get random messages from sarah saying "CHANNING TATUM!<3"
ahahhaha palms springs was lots of fun. as you can see^
but chyeah, that was the last one ever. soo im pretty depressed. cus it was the LAST ONE. unless me and jiin find a way to find enough money to go there again. it was pretty fun. and i will miss it. alot.
these 6th graders;
"omg water went up my nose!" jenny
"omg water went in my nose mouth!" grace
"uhhh, im just doing my fast mode" lauren
"i know why you cant say the n word" jenny
"why not?" jiin
"because then black people will come and kill you" jenny
friggin cutieee
the ecc fam
thanks for the memors guys <3
x x x x x,jessica
sorry for the profanity on the previous post.
it was all bcus of nick and my mom ahaha, so nick hahn im-s me saying that he's in ktown. now what do i do? freakout. cus he's grounded. soooo i asked my dearest mother if i can meet my devil bestfriend at 9:30pm. she agreed. yes! but then i get there...THIZZZ BIIIIITCH. ahaha so i get to jamba juice and their closing-_- an then nick tells me that he has to leave in 5minutes. sooo im like "your stupid" yaknow? so yehh it was pretty gay cus we didnt even get to talk. fml. but chyeah. LOVE YOU NICK and those 5minutes were fun...okay nat but still. i miss you already and hopefully you get un-grounded soon. love youu x x xjessica
ps, tell your dad thanks for the jamba teehee
it was all bcus of nick and my mom ahaha, so nick hahn im-s me saying that he's in ktown. now what do i do? freakout. cus he's grounded. soooo i asked my dearest mother if i can meet my devil bestfriend at 9:30pm. she agreed. yes! but then i get there...THIZZZ BIIIIITCH. ahaha so i get to jamba juice and their closing-_- an then nick tells me that he has to leave in 5minutes. sooo im like "your stupid" yaknow? so yehh it was pretty gay cus we didnt even get to talk. fml. but chyeah. LOVE YOU NICK and those 5minutes were fun...okay nat but still. i miss you already and hopefully you get un-grounded soon. love youu x x xjessica
ps, tell your dad thanks for the jamba teehee
thizzz bitchhh
fucking amazing
and always keeps me hungry.
i wanna be like her.
anyone wanna bake wit mee?
cus i wanna make some popsicle pies and some cheesecake balls.
yuppppppp that's wassup
fucking amazing
and always keeps me hungry.
i wanna be like her.
anyone wanna bake wit mee?
cus i wanna make some popsicle pies and some cheesecake balls.
yuppppppp that's wassup
jae un'e//amber
so thanks to jiin,
im going to update cus im pretty bored right now. first off id like to say, jiin, nick, sarah-check your facebooks. i left a pleasant suprize for you guys heehee(; anywayss, so this week has just started and its going off good-ish. im currently at susan's for the 3rd sleepover in a row. its really fun except for that fact that susans not here. she left at like 3 or 4pm to chill with her friends at century. so yeah i stayed in this house cus i got jae un'e and amber to talk to. ooh and happy too(susan's dog) oohoooh most of all i have susan's mom. she's amazing and like my second mom. she's the mother i never had. ahahaha im a sad orphan ahaha. love. my. life. umm i went to susan's church yesterday and that was lots of fun cus after church, me and susan were talking to these oppas(justin, steve, and sol) ahaha well yeah it was really funny cus i didnt understand what they were saying. cus im a sweet angel l=unlike those corrupted people ahaha. apples. okay sooo yeah the past days consisted of fisheye pictures of susan when she's sleeping, and having arts and crafts with amber, and DDR with janice un'e. all sooo fun. soo yeah im helping amber with her hw right now. and talking to jae un'e bout venice high. so yeah this is what my life revolves around. ahaha the kim family. happy, kit? i updated ya'll
oh and today i realized that im just a sad person. cus susan's grandma is spending a couplr of days here and as we were going on the elevator, she said that i was pretty. i felt soo happy. it was pretty sad. like i haven't heard that before. pshhh.pshhpshhhhh. okay i lied. i don't hear it that much. actually, i hardly hear it. rarely. FML
xoxoxoxoxojess, btw i mish you nick, come back soon.
im going to update cus im pretty bored right now. first off id like to say, jiin, nick, sarah-check your facebooks. i left a pleasant suprize for you guys heehee(; anywayss, so this week has just started and its going off good-ish. im currently at susan's for the 3rd sleepover in a row. its really fun except for that fact that susans not here. she left at like 3 or 4pm to chill with her friends at century. so yeah i stayed in this house cus i got jae un'e and amber to talk to. ooh and happy too(susan's dog) oohoooh most of all i have susan's mom. she's amazing and like my second mom. she's the mother i never had. ahahaha im a sad orphan ahaha. love. my. life. umm i went to susan's church yesterday and that was lots of fun cus after church, me and susan were talking to these oppas(justin, steve, and sol) ahaha well yeah it was really funny cus i didnt understand what they were saying. cus im a sweet angel l=unlike those corrupted people ahaha. apples. okay sooo yeah the past days consisted of fisheye pictures of susan when she's sleeping, and having arts and crafts with amber, and DDR with janice un'e. all sooo fun. soo yeah im helping amber with her hw right now. and talking to jae un'e bout venice high. so yeah this is what my life revolves around. ahaha the kim family. happy, kit? i updated ya'll
oh and today i realized that im just a sad person. cus susan's grandma is spending a couplr of days here and as we were going on the elevator, she said that i was pretty. i felt soo happy. it was pretty sad. like i haven't heard that before. pshhh.pshhpshhhhh. okay i lied. i don't hear it that much. actually, i hardly hear it. rarely. FML
xoxoxoxoxojess, btw i mish you nick, come back soon.
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