

First off, shout out to JessicaKwon for giving me hope that someone reads this blog (=

wowww, today was amazingly fun but tiring (x

haha, well first i hung out with Jane, Esther, and Annie Boannie<3
Puhaha, and we hung out at Glendale and I met couple of people i knoww like Andreww, you didn't say HI-_- Pshhh, that's like only time you talk to a girl, boy! Puha, justkidding (= Okay so then after that we were shopping forever. and i was EXTREMMELY hungry cause i didn't anything today until like 5-ish ): Sad poor Jessica T__T hmm, then we ent to the Apple store and took lots of fun pictures <3 Here are some :

Yeahhh so that was fun and then the food that I ate was like HEAVEN manggg (;
Hahaha, sorry but I don't have pictures of myself enjoying a wonderfully delightful hamburger >__<;

I'm sooo tired but I love ya'll that I hung with today (=
Till we all shop till we drop (literally-_-),

PS:: call me or annie and check out our voicemail(=


Oh God-_-

Can someone actually make SURE of things before they get people's hopes up?
Mom, I ficking hate you, just wanted you to know that.

Sooooo, obviously my day is bulls__tty ans this is because of my retarded mom.

I am soooo fucking pissed this blog is pointless to read because I'm just letting out my fucking anger with a keyboard. Seriously, I'm like ready shoot anyone that talks to me-_- That was mean but I seriously don't give a shit. I mean this isn't about the phonoe but it's what my mom does after we DIDN'T get my new phone, she has like a smile on her faceand I just want to vaccuum it off. She left to have coffee with her friend and I was soo close in punching her friend in the face. To the people I saw yesterdady, you guys know how much I wanted a new phone (as much as Grace wanted to shoot that girl that prank called her) GOSH mom doesn't even say "It's okay, let's just wait until then." Her with her fucking annoying attitude says "Too bad." Man, that bitch !

ARGHGHGGHGHGGHGHeerigyuoyh35erug0df y]-bn[etjgv 9seibogtjuer89puew8riogphdu bjrio0'ye48ith ite o yweueruiogyfhjbvgkhgfdigvkljfdhgrwigsdhyvsdfiuoghgdfuxvdfhgeuiigsrh

MAN I'm pissed.
Will anyone cheer my mood up?


JB date<3

Today, for no apperent reason, I went to JB (I dont know how to spell JohnB) and it was pretty fun meeting all them asian people that I probably may never see agin unless I go there (: That place is small ! But it was a great experience and yeahh. So basically this morning, I was dropped off to Annie's house and we were messing around with her mom until the funniest shit happened...

"엄마, 미국말로 __가뭐지?"

"VA-_- , 기역이잘안난다"
"아,,바자이나? 오맜다"
"그리고 남자의 __는?"
"that's rightt (cracking a freaking butts off)"
"아현이는 바자이나, 아빠는 딕."

hahahahahaha so that was fun, to those that can't read Korean, we were teaching her mom how to say dick and vagina (; Wowww, that sounds weird 0_0 Okayy soo after that we went to JB and met Jane & JIJI and the whole asian gang Puahaha. After that, we go to Linda's house and that place was a blast ! ME & JIJI are stage buddies FSHO shit, we were like dancing in the middle of the streets while cars were coming at us (: And then we were screaming out songs >__<;; Grace's house was fun too <3 But her dang dog was barkin' like there was no tomorrow and then Grace was like torturing it-_- and yeahhhh oh oh here's a picture of Linda's drawing to the doggy,


till the next time I type another blog,


HANA'S date w/ me & my sister


I love her camera but Imma wait til I get a Canon (; Canon's are best yo. Haha, so today I hung out with Hana and it was so fun. I went to her house and played & ate Mexican food :D Mmmmm~ Hahaha, then she came back to my house and played Game Cube and yeahh, It was an amazing day. Wowwww, I laughed my skinny butt off haha. Here are some pictures:

Sooooo yeahhh,
I love this girly and this was soooo fun. Laughing, eating, and laughing.
Forever and ever, Hana<3

xoxoxoxoxoxo-> To a person I miss dearly<3

Lala love, JessicaChoi


08 25 08

Take a walk everyday, it's pretty fun (;

prettyy funn
OH yeahhhhhhhh (;
You guys should check out the poll on this blog,
Please vote your butts off so that maybe my sister would be afraid to mess with me because if she does, she fucking dead. This may sound mean but she's like the devil's child, she's a DICK becasue she has one, looks like one, and smells like one (ew). Hahahas. Please support me by lettting me think that shooting my sister is a good idea (: Haha, but seriously, this is a poll for fun. I dont have a gun so don't worry (;

xoxo, JessicaChoi


08 24 08

Now, today was soo boring and dear Jane and I were chatting and she kept making things up. That weirdo-_- JANE, I don't think your supposed to do that, but that's why I love her so whateverr. BTW people that believed Jane's retarded AIM info, this is the OJ IMconversation okay?

l1ljane (오후 5:06:37): i keep thinking that Joesph is my sister O_O
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:46): hahahaa
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:48): he is MINE !
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:49): (;

and "MINE" ment "he's my little brother", okay? Don't ever believe Jane unless she has like a very serious poker face on :D

"Its always funny,until someone gets hurt.
Then its Hysterical. " -SharonKim's Myspace <3

Now, there's only one person that describes this to me,

This show is fucking hilarious,
JIJI ! OHburn, Laybackk hahahahahaah (;

Basically, Today was boring.


08 23 08

Now, this is my new blog thingy and this is pretty fun.
Typing to myself and hoping someone would read it is exciting (x
I am a first timer so don't critisize me bad blogging, whatever that may be,

I'll start this by describing my wonderful day, it was pretty good,,
Today I hung out with a couple of friends,Jane & Joseph, and it was cool and they did make me laugh like the retard then he left. Jane and I did have lots of fun afterwards I am (: So, we hung out at KTown and we watched Tropic Thunder, and drank boba. Mmmmm yummy in my tummy haha. Joseph had to leave early so yeahh-_- It was all good though (; I want to show ya'll how fun it actually was but my dumbass camera didn't have battery, haha. Overall, the short day was full of movie-hopping, laughing, and just having fun.

Which is better? I agree with Pineapple Express (;

To all the people I go to school with, a couple more days and I'll finally see all ya'll awesome callipygian butts (x

PS. Joseph, I love that you care <3

Puhaha, I just can't wait till then, buh byeee,
Jessica Choi