Typing to myself and hoping someone would read it is exciting (x
I am a first timer so don't critisize me bad blogging, whatever that may be,
I'll start this by describing my wonderful day, it was pretty good,,
Today I hung out with a couple of friends,Jane & Joseph, and it was cool and they did make me laugh like the retard then he left. Jane and I did have lots of fun afterwards I am (: So, we hung out at KTown and we watched Tropic Thunder, and drank boba. Mmmmm yummy in my tummy haha. Joseph had to leave early so yeahh-_- It was all good though (; I want to show ya'll how fun it actually was but my dumbass camera didn't have battery, haha. Overall, the short day was full of movie-hopping, laughing, and just having fun.
Which is better? I agree with Pineapple Express (;
To all the people I go to school with, a couple more days and I'll finally see all ya'll awesome callipygian butts (x
PS. Joseph, I love that you care <3
Puhaha, I just can't wait till then, buh byeee,
Jessica Choi
woww !
the blog connection's working !
You know that :D
Man, it was fun like crzy.
Good thing I was keep trying to get you guys togeteher but it never worked. Damn -_-;
Worth a try (x
I don't know which movie is better because I didn't watch Tropic Thunder XD
first of all, JANE IS CRAZY, and the blog is cool.
and i think i would've liked pinapple express b/c eceryone says its better and funniier and yeah...
you like him?
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