im doing really good these days
and yesterday was fun (:
hahah i love that doserrr babyyyyy<3
halloweeeeeeen is soooooooooooon ;D
imma be mickeymouse !
imma be to cute hahahahaa
not as cute as that but heyyyy
that kid is cuteeeeee
speaking of cuteee,,
id like to introduce my two favorite 7thgraders
ARTHUR & DYLAN aka, apple and eyebrow cutiee
that's apppppppppppppple
and this is dylan (:
apple is amazing ! he can rap yo (: me and leah are just in lalalove w/him hahah
and dylan is the calm cutieee
he doesnt like me much but me and sarah are kinda obsessed
maye it's just me hahaha (:
that's my life so far,
im doing good sooooooooooo lets chit chat soon, yah?
tudalu, jessica choi
1 comment:
heyyyyy bbbbby
you're cool tooooooooo
butt my coolness crosses the line
oh gosha
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