im going better these days
i really dont care about anything
especially my family issues.
yesterday was fun
im tired of blogging
no offence here but can bloggers please stop with the "listen to the voices" shit? like the way people write is like annoying me and pissing me off. im like "i read your blog but what the fuck does it mean?" haha ya'knoww? argh "please stop this bullshit"... those stuff. argh jusy say who it is and fucking go home. haha im pretty darn gay for blogging this (:
characterws (9:00:35 PM): hey girl
theegurlfrang (9:01:08 PM): hey boy <3
characterws (9:01:25 PM): (a tough one)cough.
characterws (9:01:28 PM): ..
theegurlfrang (9:01:32 PM): ahahaha
theegurlfrang (9:01:33 PM): yes
theegurlfrang (9:01:37 PM): my tough man (:
characterws (9:01:42 PM): y thank
characterws (9:01:43 PM): u
characterws (9:01:47 PM): i never thought i was
theegurlfrang (9:01:57 PM): ahahaa
theegurlfrang (9:02:03 PM): your not really...
theegurlfrang (9:02:08 PM): but the though counts(:
theegurlfrang (9:02:12 PM): *thought
characterws (9:02:17 PM): lol
characterws (9:02:20 PM): thank u
theegurlfrang (9:02:26 PM): ahha
theegurlfrang (9:02:31 PM): so what's up joseph?
characterws (9:02:44 PM): the ceiing
characterws (9:02:49 PM): ceiling*
theegurlfrang (9:02:55 PM): yes your smart[:
theegurlfrang (9:03:02 PM): anything else new?
characterws (9:03:06 PM): umm
characterws (9:03:08 PM): project
theegurlfrang (9:03:20 PM): argh i have one too.
theegurlfrang (9:03:25 PM): i hate projects
characterws (9:03:42 PM): m2
characterws (9:03:44 PM): me2*
characterws (9:03:51 PM): but mine is 13 pages
theegurlfrang (9:04:01 PM): omg
theegurlfrang (9:04:03 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:04:05 PM): thats sad
characterws (9:04:07 PM): yeah
characterws (9:04:08 PM): i no
theegurlfrang (9:04:12 PM): mine is 1
theegurlfrang (9:04:16 PM): but i still complain
theegurlfrang (9:04:18 PM): (:
characterws (9:04:32 PM): hahaha
characterws (9:04:32 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:07:07 PM): omg im visiting ecc next tuesday
theegurlfrang (9:07:08 PM): ew
characterws (9:07:12 PM): ?
characterws (9:07:15 PM): then y u going
theegurlfrang (9:07:22 PM): cause it's jane's bday
theegurlfrang (9:07:26 PM): and im bringing her a cake
theegurlfrang (9:07:28 PM): (:
characterws (9:07:36 PM): jane goes to eccc
characterws (9:07:38 PM): ecc*
theegurlfrang (9:07:47 PM): yeah
characterws (9:08:34 PM): like right now
characterws (9:08:40 PM): not just visiting
theegurlfrang (9:08:47 PM): yesss
theegurlfrang (9:08:48 PM): [:
characterws (9:08:51 PM): sorry
characterws (9:08:54 PM): making sure
theegurlfrang (9:09:03 PM): it's fine [:
theegurlfrang (9:12:39 PM): is it wednesday today?
characterws (9:12:44 PM): umm
characterws (9:12:45 PM): no
characterws (9:12:47 PM): tuesday
theegurlfrang (9:12:51 PM): okay good
theegurlfrang (9:12:55 PM): cause this guy's like
theegurlfrang (9:13:03 PM): "it's wednesday stupid"
theegurlfrang (9:13:06 PM): to me
theegurlfrang (9:13:08 PM): ll
theegurlfrang (9:13:10 PM): *lol
characterws (9:13:42 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:16:39 PM): how are you these days joseph?
characterws (9:16:44 PM): i am
characterws (9:16:45 PM): ok
theegurlfrang (9:16:54 PM): that's good
theegurlfrang (9:17:06 PM): hwo's school?
theegurlfrang (9:17:08 PM): *how's
characterws (9:17:50 PM): well
characterws (9:17:55 PM): usual
characterws (9:17:56 PM): again
theegurlfrang (9:18:11 PM): your life doesnt sound fun at all[:
characterws (9:18:16 PM): well
characterws (9:18:24 PM): there are laugh s here and there
characterws (9:18:34 PM): u aint getting in trouble?
characterws (9:18:37 PM): right
theegurlfrang (9:18:47 PM): why would you think that? (:
theegurlfrang (9:18:51 PM): yes im a good girl
theegurlfrang (9:18:52 PM): [:
characterws (9:18:56 PM): im just worryinfg
theegurlfrang (9:19:48 PM): aww
theegurlfrang (9:19:50 PM): that's nice
theegurlfrang (9:19:52 PM): [:
characterws (9:19:59 PM): like u
theegurlfrang (9:20:14 PM): your always so nice to me
theegurlfrang (9:20:15 PM): (:
characterws (9:20:36 PM): thts nice
theegurlfrang (9:20:56 PM): aww, i miss you.
theegurlfrang (9:20:58 PM): ):
characterws (9:21:07 PM): aww
characterws (9:21:10 PM): dont do tht
characterws (9:21:18 PM): just think im there next 2 u
characterws (9:21:30 PM): and iunoo
characterws (9:21:35 PM): imiiss u 2
theegurlfrang (9:21:46 PM): aww, i wish you were here <3
characterws (9:21:55 PM): here as in where
theegurlfrang (9:22:08 PM): next to me.
characterws (9:22:11 PM): o
characterws (9:22:13 PM): hmm
characterws (9:22:14 PM): then
characterws (9:22:18 PM): what are u doing
theegurlfrang (9:22:29 PM): just listening to music
theegurlfrang (9:22:34 PM): and eating oreos
theegurlfrang (9:22:35 PM): (:
characterws (9:22:39 PM): describe ur room
characterws (9:22:45 PM): like wht objects
characterws (9:22:47 PM): are there
theegurlfrang (9:22:56 PM): a bed, computer, closet
theegurlfrang (9:22:59 PM): the usual
theegurlfrang (9:23:01 PM): why?
characterws (9:23:16 PM): wait
characterws (9:23:26 PM): is there another chair in ur room
theegurlfrang (9:23:41 PM): yes, why?
characterws (9:23:47 PM): then
characterws (9:24:01 PM): think of me sitting next to u and stealing ur oreos
characterws (9:24:05 PM): thts wht i would do
theegurlfrang (9:24:17 PM): awww<3
theegurlfrang (9:24:22 PM): i want you here
characterws (9:24:27 PM): hhmmm
characterws (9:24:30 PM): then..
characterws (9:24:32 PM): lets see
characterws (9:24:39 PM): look out ur window
theegurlfrang (9:25:01 PM): *looking out*
characterws (9:25:04 PM): im not there
characterws (9:25:08 PM): haaha
characterws (9:25:11 PM): 4 fun
theegurlfrang (9:25:15 PM): psh.
theegurlfrang (9:25:21 PM): i iss you like crazy now
theegurlfrang (9:25:24 PM): *miss
characterws (9:25:25 PM): wow
characterws (9:25:27 PM): then
characterws (9:25:33 PM): think of other people
theegurlfrang (9:25:45 PM): i cant
theegurlfrang (9:25:49 PM): your like in my head
theegurlfrang (9:25:50 PM): xD
characterws (9:26:09 PM): then think of something u like or like a singer
theegurlfrang (9:26:26 PM): do you want me to not think of you?
characterws (9:26:30 PM): well
characterws (9:26:33 PM): cuz if u miiss
characterws (9:26:33 PM): me
characterws (9:26:37 PM): then i feel bad
characterws (9:26:42 PM): so to even things up
characterws (9:26:48 PM): u can do somethinglike tht
characterws (9:26:52 PM): o not....
characterws (9:26:54 PM): or*
theegurlfrang (9:26:59 PM): ahahaha how bout
theegurlfrang (9:27:04 PM): we see each other
theegurlfrang (9:27:07 PM): next time?
characterws (9:27:10 PM): hhmm
characterws (9:27:20 PM): depends when, where
theegurlfrang (9:27:27 PM): you can decide that
theegurlfrang (9:27:30 PM): (:
theegurlfrang (9:27:31 PM):
characterws (9:27:35 PM): hmmm
characterws (9:27:40 PM): iunno
theegurlfrang (9:28:25 PM): *sigh* well i guess you dont miss me as much to see me *sigh*
characterws (9:28:35 PM): nnnoooooo
characterws (9:28:42 PM): dont do tht
characterws (9:28:49 PM): i misss
characterws (9:28:49 PM): u
characterws (9:28:56 PM): i just dont know wht to do
theegurlfrang (9:29:17 PM): it's fine joseph.
theegurlfrang (9:29:21 PM): i know you miss me(:
characterws (9:29:24 PM): omy
characterws (9:29:27 PM): dont so this
characterws (9:29:28 PM): ok
characterws (9:29:30 PM): hhmmm
characterws (9:29:51 PM): did u see twilight
characterws (9:29:55 PM): yes u did
characterws (9:30:01 PM): sry
theegurlfrang (9:30:04 PM): it's fine
theegurlfrang (9:30:08 PM): [:
characterws (9:30:24 PM): then we can just go over it
characterws (9:30:35 PM): so in the beginnning
characterws (9:30:47 PM): she moc\ves out and goes to school.
characterws (9:30:53 PM): in the cafeteria waiting
characterws (9:30:58 PM): and the cullens come in
characterws (9:31:02 PM): and then..../
characterws (9:31:06 PM): EDWARD
theegurlfrang (9:31:08 PM): OMG
characterws (9:31:09 PM): OMG..
theegurlfrang (9:31:09 PM): YES
characterws (9:31:15 PM): AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
theegurlfrang (9:31:16 PM): <333
characterws (9:31:19 PM): ITS EDWARD
theegurlfrang (9:31:20 PM): AAHAHAHHA
theegurlfrang (9:31:23 PM): AHHHHHH!!!!!
theegurlfrang (9:31:28 PM): QMFG ITS EDWARD
characterws (9:31:31 PM): OMD
characterws (9:31:34 PM): HES SO HOOOTOTTTT
theegurlfrang (9:31:37 PM): ahahaha
theegurlfrang (9:31:39 PM): homoo
characterws (9:31:39 PM): from another girl
theegurlfrang (9:31:40 PM): ahahhaa
characterws (9:31:41 PM): or
theegurlfrang (9:31:42 PM): jkkjk
characterws (9:31:43 PM): u
theegurlfrang (9:31:48 PM): ahaha
theegurlfrang (9:31:48 PM): yes
theegurlfrang (9:31:55 PM): but if you were edward
theegurlfrang (9:31:59 PM): id like the movie better
theegurlfrang (9:32:00 PM): (:
characterws (9:32:08 PM): i think hes a like a part of me
theegurlfrang (9:32:15 PM): ahahaha
characterws (9:32:16 PM): u know
theegurlfrang (9:32:19 PM): yesss
theegurlfrang (9:32:20 PM): (:
characterws (9:32:45 PM): but i think the movie characters and stuff were not so good
characterws (9:32:54 PM): not trying bring down the mood
characterws (9:32:58 PM): or anything
theegurlfrang (9:33:03 PM): yeah
theegurlfrang (9:33:05 PM): i get it
theegurlfrang (9:33:15 PM): but i was going to watch for edward mostly
theegurlfrang (9:33:16 PM): ahaha
characterws (9:33:51 PM): so what other movies u see
characterws (9:33:53 PM): ?
theegurlfrang (9:33:57 PM): mmm
theegurlfrang (9:34:01 PM): four christmases
characterws (9:34:06 PM): o
characterws (9:34:09 PM): didnt c tht
characterws (9:34:13 PM): is it good
characterws (9:34:15 PM): ?
theegurlfrang (9:34:19 PM): nope
theegurlfrang (9:34:21 PM): it's horrible
characterws (9:34:24 PM): haha
theegurlfrang (9:34:28 PM): i watched it with this guy
characterws (9:34:36 PM): wht guy.......
theegurlfrang (9:34:44 PM): Kenneth Han
characterws (9:34:56 PM): i wont go into him
characterws (9:34:58 PM): or anything
characterws (9:35:03 PM): just leave it be
characterws (9:35:19 PM): ok
theegurlfrang (9:35:22 PM): hahaha
theegurlfrang (9:35:23 PM): xD
characterws (9:35:25 PM): any other movies
theegurlfrang (9:35:29 PM): mm
theegurlfrang (9:35:31 PM): 007
theegurlfrang (9:35:33 PM): (;
characterws (9:35:35 PM): o
characterws (9:35:40 PM): i didnt c tht either
theegurlfrang (9:35:42 PM): ahaha
theegurlfrang (9:35:49 PM): it was boring but okay for me
theegurlfrang (9:35:55 PM): cause i went with this other guy
characterws (9:36:00 PM): wow
characterws (9:36:02 PM): player
characterws (9:36:04 PM): jkjk
theegurlfrang (9:36:07 PM): im jk
theegurlfrang (9:36:15 PM): i went with this girl named sarah
theegurlfrang (9:36:17 PM): (:
characterws (9:36:22 PM): saraah who?
theegurlfrang (9:36:27 PM): sarah singh
theegurlfrang (9:36:32 PM): my best friend
characterws (9:36:33 PM): o
characterws (9:36:35 PM): ic
characterws (9:36:46 PM): i ddidnt really c movies
characterws (9:36:55 PM): i mean the movies tht came out'
characterws (9:36:57 PM): so
characterws (9:36:58 PM): ..
theegurlfrang (9:37:06 PM): hha,
theegurlfrang (9:37:13 PM): let's g owatch something next time (:
characterws (9:37:20 PM): alright
characterws (9:37:28 PM): if myy momma says yes
theegurlfrang (9:37:36 PM): hopefullly [:
characterws (9:37:40 PM): haha
characterws (9:37:42 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:37:51 PM): your mom and andrew....
theegurlfrang (9:37:53 PM): *sigh
characterws (9:37:55 PM): haha
theegurlfrang (9:37:56 PM): haha
characterws (9:38:00 PM): lol
characterws (9:38:04 PM): sry bi\out tht
theegurlfrang (9:38:11 PM): it's okay (:
theegurlfrang (9:01:08 PM): hey boy <3
characterws (9:01:25 PM): (a tough one)cough.
characterws (9:01:28 PM): ..
theegurlfrang (9:01:32 PM): ahahaha
theegurlfrang (9:01:33 PM): yes
theegurlfrang (9:01:37 PM): my tough man (:
characterws (9:01:42 PM): y thank
characterws (9:01:43 PM): u
characterws (9:01:47 PM): i never thought i was
theegurlfrang (9:01:57 PM): ahahaa
theegurlfrang (9:02:03 PM): your not really...
theegurlfrang (9:02:08 PM): but the though counts(:
theegurlfrang (9:02:12 PM): *thought
characterws (9:02:17 PM): lol
characterws (9:02:20 PM): thank u
theegurlfrang (9:02:26 PM): ahha
theegurlfrang (9:02:31 PM): so what's up joseph?
characterws (9:02:44 PM): the ceiing
characterws (9:02:49 PM): ceiling*
theegurlfrang (9:02:55 PM): yes your smart[:
theegurlfrang (9:03:02 PM): anything else new?
characterws (9:03:06 PM): umm
characterws (9:03:08 PM): project
theegurlfrang (9:03:20 PM): argh i have one too.
theegurlfrang (9:03:25 PM): i hate projects
characterws (9:03:42 PM): m2
characterws (9:03:44 PM): me2*
characterws (9:03:51 PM): but mine is 13 pages
theegurlfrang (9:04:01 PM): omg
theegurlfrang (9:04:03 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:04:05 PM): thats sad
characterws (9:04:07 PM): yeah
characterws (9:04:08 PM): i no
theegurlfrang (9:04:12 PM): mine is 1
theegurlfrang (9:04:16 PM): but i still complain
theegurlfrang (9:04:18 PM): (:
characterws (9:04:32 PM): hahaha
characterws (9:04:32 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:07:07 PM): omg im visiting ecc next tuesday
theegurlfrang (9:07:08 PM): ew
characterws (9:07:12 PM): ?
characterws (9:07:15 PM): then y u going
theegurlfrang (9:07:22 PM): cause it's jane's bday
theegurlfrang (9:07:26 PM): and im bringing her a cake
theegurlfrang (9:07:28 PM): (:
characterws (9:07:36 PM): jane goes to eccc
characterws (9:07:38 PM): ecc*
theegurlfrang (9:07:47 PM): yeah
characterws (9:08:34 PM): like right now
characterws (9:08:40 PM): not just visiting
theegurlfrang (9:08:47 PM): yesss
theegurlfrang (9:08:48 PM): [:
characterws (9:08:51 PM): sorry
characterws (9:08:54 PM): making sure
theegurlfrang (9:09:03 PM): it's fine [:
theegurlfrang (9:12:39 PM): is it wednesday today?
characterws (9:12:44 PM): umm
characterws (9:12:45 PM): no
characterws (9:12:47 PM): tuesday
theegurlfrang (9:12:51 PM): okay good
theegurlfrang (9:12:55 PM): cause this guy's like
theegurlfrang (9:13:03 PM): "it's wednesday stupid"
theegurlfrang (9:13:06 PM): to me
theegurlfrang (9:13:08 PM): ll
theegurlfrang (9:13:10 PM): *lol
characterws (9:13:42 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:16:39 PM): how are you these days joseph?
characterws (9:16:44 PM): i am
characterws (9:16:45 PM): ok
theegurlfrang (9:16:54 PM): that's good
theegurlfrang (9:17:06 PM): hwo's school?
theegurlfrang (9:17:08 PM): *how's
characterws (9:17:50 PM): well
characterws (9:17:55 PM): usual
characterws (9:17:56 PM): again
theegurlfrang (9:18:11 PM): your life doesnt sound fun at all[:
characterws (9:18:16 PM): well
characterws (9:18:24 PM): there are laugh s here and there
characterws (9:18:34 PM): u aint getting in trouble?
characterws (9:18:37 PM): right
theegurlfrang (9:18:47 PM): why would you think that? (:
theegurlfrang (9:18:51 PM): yes im a good girl
theegurlfrang (9:18:52 PM): [:
characterws (9:18:56 PM): im just worryinfg
theegurlfrang (9:19:48 PM): aww
theegurlfrang (9:19:50 PM): that's nice
theegurlfrang (9:19:52 PM): [:
characterws (9:19:59 PM): like u
theegurlfrang (9:20:14 PM): your always so nice to me
theegurlfrang (9:20:15 PM): (:
characterws (9:20:36 PM): thts nice
theegurlfrang (9:20:56 PM): aww, i miss you.
theegurlfrang (9:20:58 PM): ):
characterws (9:21:07 PM): aww
characterws (9:21:10 PM): dont do tht
characterws (9:21:18 PM): just think im there next 2 u
characterws (9:21:30 PM): and iunoo
characterws (9:21:35 PM): imiiss u 2
theegurlfrang (9:21:46 PM): aww, i wish you were here <3
characterws (9:21:55 PM): here as in where
theegurlfrang (9:22:08 PM): next to me.
characterws (9:22:11 PM): o
characterws (9:22:13 PM): hmm
characterws (9:22:14 PM): then
characterws (9:22:18 PM): what are u doing
theegurlfrang (9:22:29 PM): just listening to music
theegurlfrang (9:22:34 PM): and eating oreos
theegurlfrang (9:22:35 PM): (:
characterws (9:22:39 PM): describe ur room
characterws (9:22:45 PM): like wht objects
characterws (9:22:47 PM): are there
theegurlfrang (9:22:56 PM): a bed, computer, closet
theegurlfrang (9:22:59 PM): the usual
theegurlfrang (9:23:01 PM): why?
characterws (9:23:16 PM): wait
characterws (9:23:26 PM): is there another chair in ur room
theegurlfrang (9:23:41 PM): yes, why?
characterws (9:23:47 PM): then
characterws (9:24:01 PM): think of me sitting next to u and stealing ur oreos
characterws (9:24:05 PM): thts wht i would do
theegurlfrang (9:24:17 PM): awww<3
theegurlfrang (9:24:22 PM): i want you here
characterws (9:24:27 PM): hhmmm
characterws (9:24:30 PM): then..
characterws (9:24:32 PM): lets see
characterws (9:24:39 PM): look out ur window
theegurlfrang (9:25:01 PM): *looking out*
characterws (9:25:04 PM): im not there
characterws (9:25:08 PM): haaha
characterws (9:25:11 PM): 4 fun
theegurlfrang (9:25:15 PM): psh.
theegurlfrang (9:25:21 PM): i iss you like crazy now
theegurlfrang (9:25:24 PM): *miss
characterws (9:25:25 PM): wow
characterws (9:25:27 PM): then
characterws (9:25:33 PM): think of other people
theegurlfrang (9:25:45 PM): i cant
theegurlfrang (9:25:49 PM): your like in my head
theegurlfrang (9:25:50 PM): xD
characterws (9:26:09 PM): then think of something u like or like a singer
theegurlfrang (9:26:26 PM): do you want me to not think of you?
characterws (9:26:30 PM): well
characterws (9:26:33 PM): cuz if u miiss
characterws (9:26:33 PM): me
characterws (9:26:37 PM): then i feel bad
characterws (9:26:42 PM): so to even things up
characterws (9:26:48 PM): u can do somethinglike tht
characterws (9:26:52 PM): o not....
characterws (9:26:54 PM): or*
theegurlfrang (9:26:59 PM): ahahaha how bout
theegurlfrang (9:27:04 PM): we see each other
theegurlfrang (9:27:07 PM): next time?
characterws (9:27:10 PM): hhmm
characterws (9:27:20 PM): depends when, where
theegurlfrang (9:27:27 PM): you can decide that
theegurlfrang (9:27:30 PM): (:
theegurlfrang (9:27:31 PM):
characterws (9:27:35 PM): hmmm
characterws (9:27:40 PM): iunno
theegurlfrang (9:28:25 PM): *sigh* well i guess you dont miss me as much to see me *sigh*
characterws (9:28:35 PM): nnnoooooo
characterws (9:28:42 PM): dont do tht
characterws (9:28:49 PM): i misss
characterws (9:28:49 PM): u
characterws (9:28:56 PM): i just dont know wht to do
theegurlfrang (9:29:17 PM): it's fine joseph.
theegurlfrang (9:29:21 PM): i know you miss me(:
characterws (9:29:24 PM): omy
characterws (9:29:27 PM): dont so this
characterws (9:29:28 PM): ok
characterws (9:29:30 PM): hhmmm
characterws (9:29:51 PM): did u see twilight
characterws (9:29:55 PM): yes u did
characterws (9:30:01 PM): sry
theegurlfrang (9:30:04 PM): it's fine
theegurlfrang (9:30:08 PM): [:
characterws (9:30:24 PM): then we can just go over it
characterws (9:30:35 PM): so in the beginnning
characterws (9:30:47 PM): she moc\ves out and goes to school.
characterws (9:30:53 PM): in the cafeteria waiting
characterws (9:30:58 PM): and the cullens come in
characterws (9:31:02 PM): and then..../
characterws (9:31:06 PM): EDWARD
theegurlfrang (9:31:08 PM): OMG
characterws (9:31:09 PM): OMG..
theegurlfrang (9:31:09 PM): YES
characterws (9:31:15 PM): AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
theegurlfrang (9:31:16 PM): <333
characterws (9:31:19 PM): ITS EDWARD
theegurlfrang (9:31:20 PM): AAHAHAHHA
theegurlfrang (9:31:23 PM): AHHHHHH!!!!!
theegurlfrang (9:31:28 PM): QMFG ITS EDWARD
characterws (9:31:31 PM): OMD
characterws (9:31:34 PM): HES SO HOOOTOTTTT
theegurlfrang (9:31:37 PM): ahahaha
theegurlfrang (9:31:39 PM): homoo
characterws (9:31:39 PM): from another girl
theegurlfrang (9:31:40 PM): ahahhaa
characterws (9:31:41 PM): or
theegurlfrang (9:31:42 PM): jkkjk
characterws (9:31:43 PM): u
theegurlfrang (9:31:48 PM): ahaha
theegurlfrang (9:31:48 PM): yes
theegurlfrang (9:31:55 PM): but if you were edward
theegurlfrang (9:31:59 PM): id like the movie better
theegurlfrang (9:32:00 PM): (:
characterws (9:32:08 PM): i think hes a like a part of me
theegurlfrang (9:32:15 PM): ahahaha
characterws (9:32:16 PM): u know
theegurlfrang (9:32:19 PM): yesss
theegurlfrang (9:32:20 PM): (:
characterws (9:32:45 PM): but i think the movie characters and stuff were not so good
characterws (9:32:54 PM): not trying bring down the mood
characterws (9:32:58 PM): or anything
theegurlfrang (9:33:03 PM): yeah
theegurlfrang (9:33:05 PM): i get it
theegurlfrang (9:33:15 PM): but i was going to watch for edward mostly
theegurlfrang (9:33:16 PM): ahaha
characterws (9:33:51 PM): so what other movies u see
characterws (9:33:53 PM): ?
theegurlfrang (9:33:57 PM): mmm
theegurlfrang (9:34:01 PM): four christmases
characterws (9:34:06 PM): o
characterws (9:34:09 PM): didnt c tht
characterws (9:34:13 PM): is it good
characterws (9:34:15 PM): ?
theegurlfrang (9:34:19 PM): nope
theegurlfrang (9:34:21 PM): it's horrible
characterws (9:34:24 PM): haha
theegurlfrang (9:34:28 PM): i watched it with this guy
characterws (9:34:36 PM): wht guy.......
theegurlfrang (9:34:44 PM): Kenneth Han
characterws (9:34:56 PM): i wont go into him
characterws (9:34:58 PM): or anything
characterws (9:35:03 PM): just leave it be
characterws (9:35:19 PM): ok
theegurlfrang (9:35:22 PM): hahaha
theegurlfrang (9:35:23 PM): xD
characterws (9:35:25 PM): any other movies
theegurlfrang (9:35:29 PM): mm
theegurlfrang (9:35:31 PM): 007
theegurlfrang (9:35:33 PM): (;
characterws (9:35:35 PM): o
characterws (9:35:40 PM): i didnt c tht either
theegurlfrang (9:35:42 PM): ahaha
theegurlfrang (9:35:49 PM): it was boring but okay for me
theegurlfrang (9:35:55 PM): cause i went with this other guy
characterws (9:36:00 PM): wow
characterws (9:36:02 PM): player
characterws (9:36:04 PM): jkjk
theegurlfrang (9:36:07 PM): im jk
theegurlfrang (9:36:15 PM): i went with this girl named sarah
theegurlfrang (9:36:17 PM): (:
characterws (9:36:22 PM): saraah who?
theegurlfrang (9:36:27 PM): sarah singh
theegurlfrang (9:36:32 PM): my best friend
characterws (9:36:33 PM): o
characterws (9:36:35 PM): ic
characterws (9:36:46 PM): i ddidnt really c movies
characterws (9:36:55 PM): i mean the movies tht came out'
characterws (9:36:57 PM): so
characterws (9:36:58 PM): ..
theegurlfrang (9:37:06 PM): hha,
theegurlfrang (9:37:13 PM): let's g owatch something next time (:
characterws (9:37:20 PM): alright
characterws (9:37:28 PM): if myy momma says yes
theegurlfrang (9:37:36 PM): hopefullly [:
characterws (9:37:40 PM): haha
characterws (9:37:42 PM): lol
theegurlfrang (9:37:51 PM): your mom and andrew....
theegurlfrang (9:37:53 PM): *sigh
characterws (9:37:55 PM): haha
theegurlfrang (9:37:56 PM): haha
characterws (9:38:00 PM): lol
characterws (9:38:04 PM): sry bi\out tht
theegurlfrang (9:38:11 PM): it's okay (:
Today was so fun ! AHAH XD First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY ! We first bought tickets for "TRANSPORTER 3" but then you know, Jason got us kicked out. We were going to Chipotle and Amos, Jason, Jessica Choi, and Lisa were going crazy cause I said Chipotle in another way ! GOSH ! After that, we went to eat Pinkberry ! JESSICA CHOI went with *ahem* someone else to watch "FOUR CHRISTMASESS" so then she bought me some :D We went to PPP after; y'know. Those wannabes. Theses guys were coming and I was like O_o; when they came. 7th graders, WTF? Those little wannabes. We FINALLY went back to Grove and chilled ! We were so retarted though ! We were so loud and we started hitting each other ! Everyone left except Me, Jessica, Linda, Scott Kim, and Jason. Jessica, Linda, and I didn't know where to go so we followed Jason and Scott. Jason didn't let us go so then we just followed Jason & Scott home ! They kept trying to runaway but then Jessica Choi and her athlete legs caught them. WOW, they're pretty slow :D There was like no point -_- It was right in front of La Brea ! Anyways, Jason was high and Scott Kim was so horny O_O ! I think they were seriously high and weird. Eventually Joey and Ted came and they slept over Jasons' house ;D We girls left at like 10:30 (= We were so bored we all started playing "DACKCHI"? Also, we started fighting for pillows and made racist jokes :] Jessica left, and when we came back up dropping Jessica off, everyone scared the crap out of us as soon as the elevator door opened. The boys started getting hot so then they took off their shirts O_O OMG, I gotta say, JASON, TED, AND MAYBE SCOTT, you have some nice abs. Joey with his white tangtops XD AHAHA XD LINDA & I left afterwards :] Thanks Linda for the ride. You know when you leave, we're suppose to greet the parents ? Well, Linda went to tell Jason to tell his parents thank you but then as soon as Linda went in, she saw the boys half naked O_O Overall, I loved the day so much♥
-Jane (;
JANE iss so cute at blogging O_O
ahahahaha well yeah she just explained what went down except for weirdo scott being weird to me and jane. he's so mean to linda though. imma smack that boy next time (: ahaha and then jason was VERY nice about the girls coming over thankyou (: hmmm and then
ahahahaha justkidding i hope we have another bombdiggity time like this again. except for those stupid wangster wannabes ahahah that did not make sense... BYE, xoxoxo JESSICA
-Jane (;
JANE iss so cute at blogging O_O
ahahahaha well yeah she just explained what went down except for weirdo scott being weird to me and jane. he's so mean to linda though. imma smack that boy next time (: ahaha and then jason was VERY nice about the girls coming over thankyou (: hmmm and then
ahahahaha justkidding i hope we have another bombdiggity time like this again. except for those stupid wangster wannabes ahahah that did not make sense... BYE, xoxoxo JESSICA
GROVE W/ my loves :D
today was sooooo sooooo fun.<3
grove was soo fun, FINALLY !
ahahaha, welllllll i hung out with old friends & new friends.
Annie<3, Janeypoo<3, Lindaa :D, Hanna, Sonya, Christine,
Sungwoo, Kenneth, Roy, Seungyub[?], JasonChoi, Sunghun,
Joshh [:, and ummmmmmmmmm DORGAAAAA!
ahahaha :D
so today was pretty good
and i watched TWILIGHTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so loud, even the blackgirls behind me told me to shutup
puhahahahaha xD that was sooo funny, RIGHT KENNETH? [:
i think today was the best grove time ever.
oh no wait maybe like the 5th best ahahaha
hopefully i meet all of you guys again <3 :D
JESSICA CHOI fshofsho :D
grove was soo fun, FINALLY !
ahahaha, welllllll i hung out with old friends & new friends.
Annie<3, Janeypoo<3, Lindaa :D, Hanna, Sonya, Christine,
Sungwoo, Kenneth, Roy, Seungyub[?], JasonChoi, Sunghun,
Joshh [:, and ummmmmmmmmm DORGAAAAA!
ahahaha :D
so today was pretty good
and i watched TWILIGHTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so loud, even the blackgirls behind me told me to shutup
puhahahahaha xD that was sooo funny, RIGHT KENNETH? [:
i think today was the best grove time ever.
oh no wait maybe like the 5th best ahahaha
hopefully i meet all of you guys again <3 :D
JESSICA CHOI fshofsho :D
say my name
okay i came back to saythat my name is
not JESS.
that friggin pisses me off cause my dad used to call me jess and he's the only person that can. so please stop calling me that horrible name, please. thanks guys[:
ps. i hate my dad
btw, more pictures from sarah's sleepover(:

i love sarah not my dad♥
not JESS.
that friggin pisses me off cause my dad used to call me jess and he's the only person that can. so please stop calling me that horrible name, please. thanks guys[:
ps. i hate my dad
btw, more pictures from sarah's sleepover(:
i love sarah not my dad♥
Sooooooooo, I want to post another blog to keep ya'll posted. These days I really want to quit blogging cause it feels like nobody's looking at it ya'know? Well, so yester i watched Madagscar with JIIN and it was bombdiggity(: SOOO FRIGGIN HILARIOUS HAHAHAH, well yeahh and nothing's really new except that SARAH IS MY BESTFRIEND. haha and we went to century and watched Quantum of Solace. it was a movie fun enough for us to watch [: here are some apple pictures:

well yeah, and then we saaw max, burt, and duncan, oh anad maxwell puhaha at the escalators "excuse me ladies?" ahahaha sarah and i had sooo much fun at that sleepover(: it was seriously one of the best nights of my lifeee <3 oh and finally JENNA put up those pictures from halloween at school with sarah and harper. heres that:

i love this alot of some reason O_O

welllllll yeahh [again] haha watch 007 and madagscar there pretty good, mayb because i didnt expect much from it in the beginning[: soooo keep on readin' who ever may be reading this. ill check in later, toodles.
well yeah, and then we saaw max, burt, and duncan, oh anad maxwell puhaha at the escalators "excuse me ladies?" ahahaha sarah and i had sooo much fun at that sleepover(: it was seriously one of the best nights of my lifeee <3 oh and finally JENNA put up those pictures from halloween at school with sarah and harper. heres that:
i love this alot of some reason O_O
welllllll yeahh [again] haha watch 007 and madagscar there pretty good, mayb because i didnt expect much from it in the beginning[: soooo keep on readin' who ever may be reading this. ill check in later, toodles.
okay so today,
i went to a random blog and i realized how stupid that person was about there own president canidate. so this chick think McCain has what it takes to be president. it seemed interesting to me so i kept reading it and i started cracking up so loud. she thinks that McCain has what it takes because he's been a prisoner of war for 5years. well this is the this gurl, if he was skilled enough, he would have never gotten caught in the beginning, right? haha. stupid girl doesnt know what she's saying haha

puhaha he is my homeboy, but not my president(:

that's a freaking hot face, *rawr*
well, even though obama hasn't been in the senate as long as McCain, it's probably because McCain is a lot older, HELLO? ahaha and plus people wouldnt vote for McCain because of his beliefs and what he wants to do with the country. his opinions are mostly like Bush's so yeah. shutup if you dont know much bout politics. and even if you voted for obama, which i think is good, know why the hell you voted for him in the first place. thank you for reading this political blog.
i went to a random blog and i realized how stupid that person was about there own president canidate. so this chick think McCain has what it takes to be president. it seemed interesting to me so i kept reading it and i started cracking up so loud. she thinks that McCain has what it takes because he's been a prisoner of war for 5years. well this is the this gurl, if he was skilled enough, he would have never gotten caught in the beginning, right? haha. stupid girl doesnt know what she's saying haha
puhaha he is my homeboy, but not my president(:
that's a freaking hot face, *rawr*
well, even though obama hasn't been in the senate as long as McCain, it's probably because McCain is a lot older, HELLO? ahaha and plus people wouldnt vote for McCain because of his beliefs and what he wants to do with the country. his opinions are mostly like Bush's so yeah. shutup if you dont know much bout politics. and even if you voted for obama, which i think is good, know why the hell you voted for him in the first place. thank you for reading this political blog.
steps to a good life:
-dont give up while going up there
-trips? everyone has them
-have the best of each step
-walk each step slowly, knowing that it's going to be over soon
-think you reached the top? look up and keep walking
-nothing is ever over, even if you want it to be
-get into something, you can get out
-fall off the steps? start over.
-at the top?
-dont give up while going up there
-trips? everyone has them
-have the best of each step
-walk each step slowly, knowing that it's going to be over soon
-think you reached the top? look up and keep walking
-nothing is ever over, even if you want it to be
-get into something, you can get out
-fall off the steps? start over.
-at the top?
hayyyyyy bestfrannnns
hmmmm, so for starters,
im doing really good these days
and yesterday was fun (:
hahah i love that doserrr babyyyyy<3
halloweeeeeeen is soooooooooooon ;D
imma be mickeymouse !
imma be to cute hahahahaa

not as cute as that but heyyyy
that kid is cuteeeeee
speaking of cuteee,,
id like to introduce my two favorite 7thgraders
ARTHUR & DYLAN aka, apple and eyebrow cutiee

that's apppppppppppppple

and this is dylan (:
apple is amazing ! he can rap yo (: me and leah are just in lalalove w/him hahah
and dylan is the calm cutieee
he doesnt like me much but me and sarah are kinda obsessed
maye it's just me hahaha (:
that's my life so far,
im doing good sooooooooooo lets chit chat soon, yah?
tudalu, jessica choi
im doing really good these days
and yesterday was fun (:
hahah i love that doserrr babyyyyy<3
halloweeeeeeen is soooooooooooon ;D
imma be mickeymouse !
imma be to cute hahahahaa
not as cute as that but heyyyy
that kid is cuteeeeee
speaking of cuteee,,
id like to introduce my two favorite 7thgraders
ARTHUR & DYLAN aka, apple and eyebrow cutiee
that's apppppppppppppple
and this is dylan (:
apple is amazing ! he can rap yo (: me and leah are just in lalalove w/him hahah
and dylan is the calm cutieee
he doesnt like me much but me and sarah are kinda obsessed
maye it's just me hahaha (:
that's my life so far,
im doing good sooooooooooo lets chit chat soon, yah?
tudalu, jessica choi
People say that your a bitch. People say "I'm too cool for you". People say that your not good enough. People say that your not important. People say these bullshit but it turns out that one or two people make it all better by saying these three words I love to hear. "I love you". No matter who says it, and when and where, someone cares enough to say it to you when you want it the most.
Honestly, today I wasn't in the best of moods and now im feeling better because of my lovely friends. And what they didn't know is how much this meant to me.
Most people would say "oh it's okay" but my friend apologizes as if its his fault. He's blaming himself for nothing just because he wasn't there when it happened to comfort me. I love him so very much and he is one heck of a special person to me <3
My other friend is a bestfriend and she's the one who told my guyfriend that I wasn't feeling good. She called him and told him that I wasn't feeling well and she just know what to do to make me laugh. She can embarass herself as much as she wants just for me. She is the bestest friend one girl can handle <3
There are nice people in this world and some people that don't seem to care about anything. It turns out, their the ones who truly care.
Honestly, today I wasn't in the best of moods and now im feeling better because of my lovely friends. And what they didn't know is how much this meant to me.
Most people would say "oh it's okay" but my friend apologizes as if its his fault. He's blaming himself for nothing just because he wasn't there when it happened to comfort me. I love him so very much and he is one heck of a special person to me <3
My other friend is a bestfriend and she's the one who told my guyfriend that I wasn't feeling good. She called him and told him that I wasn't feeling well and she just know what to do to make me laugh. She can embarass herself as much as she wants just for me. She is the bestest friend one girl can handle <3
There are nice people in this world and some people that don't seem to care about anything. It turns out, their the ones who truly care.
peanutbutta and jelllay
Welllll, to start off, im really sorry for not writing in this blog hoping that someone in this frigging world would see it haha, ummm life's good like it always is...
Speaking of life being good, I think that emo kids that are christian are just retarded and life is good no matter what. There's always a a bad to a good and always a good to a bad. That's a quote from me haha(=
Back to what I was saying, life's good and 2 days ago I saw EagleEye and it was bombdiggity and I laughed and cried haha. I love ShiaLaBeouf <3 he's hot and sexy and mine but he's an alcholholic, poorbaby... it's probably because his dad let him drink at such a young age, ya'knoww? Haha well yeahhh, Jangtuh was amazing ! The concert was amazing too ! Haha annie and linda and me, we lost our voices but it was soooo worth it haha <3
I love JoeJonass,
Without his catterpillar eyebrows hahaha
Ttyl, until the next time, toodaloo, chowww, byeee, ahnyoung, seeyou guys, read again soon, im gay, hey girl hayy, what is this ?, I should stop typing, hahaha, im really gay, and hungry, you know what?, byeee, xoxo, loveyaaa,
JessicaChoi haha, stop it, um, okay.
Speaking of life being good, I think that emo kids that are christian are just retarded and life is good no matter what. There's always a a bad to a good and always a good to a bad. That's a quote from me haha(=
Back to what I was saying, life's good and 2 days ago I saw EagleEye and it was bombdiggity and I laughed and cried haha. I love ShiaLaBeouf <3 he's hot and sexy and mine but he's an alcholholic, poorbaby... it's probably because his dad let him drink at such a young age, ya'knoww? Haha well yeahhh, Jangtuh was amazing ! The concert was amazing too ! Haha annie and linda and me, we lost our voices but it was soooo worth it haha <3
I love JoeJonass,
Without his catterpillar eyebrows hahaha
Ttyl, until the next time, toodaloo, chowww, byeee, ahnyoung, seeyou guys, read again soon, im gay, hey girl hayy, what is this ?, I should stop typing, hahaha, im really gay, and hungry, you know what?, byeee, xoxo, loveyaaa,
JessicaChoi haha, stop it, um, okay.
birthdays and scrapbooking
School is going fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and I love my 6th period stilll haha
this is fucking hilariousssss(:
Junhyuk, Sarah, Stacy, and whomever else(:
school is fun,
scrapbooking is good i guess-_-
OMG OMG i had to write a poem about if i was one inch tall and this is how i started it...
"The day of a weelad,
how happy i would be,
to explore the world,
as a size of a beee"
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, gangstuhhhhh, keepin' it chill haha jackyyy,
new friendsss, harperrrrrrrr... marisa and her shirt, leah and our weed sprouts, caroline and our secret hearts, sarah and our JO-BROS, isle and our dance moves, gwen and our moments in science, rachel and our juice hahahahahaha(:
all those timeeesssss with one week of school(=
this saturday with JESSICA BABY<3
ohhh and youngki, i loved meeting you again... IN STAPLESSS! it was pretty "fudgemuffin" hahahaa, we have a thing for hannah montana haha
♬"She's all up in ma head, now she in ma bed" why you in my bed?
-Leahh and Meeeeeeeeee
and I love my 6th period stilll haha
this is fucking hilariousssss(:
Junhyuk, Sarah, Stacy, and whomever else(:
school is fun,
scrapbooking is good i guess-_-
OMG OMG i had to write a poem about if i was one inch tall and this is how i started it...
"The day of a weelad,
how happy i would be,
to explore the world,
as a size of a beee"
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, gangstuhhhhh, keepin' it chill haha jackyyy,
new friendsss, harperrrrrrrr... marisa and her shirt, leah and our weed sprouts, caroline and our secret hearts, sarah and our JO-BROS, isle and our dance moves, gwen and our moments in science, rachel and our juice hahahahahaha(:
all those timeeesssss with one week of school(=
this saturday with JESSICA BABY<3
ohhh and youngki, i loved meeting you again... IN STAPLESSS! it was pretty "fudgemuffin" hahahaa, we have a thing for hannah montana haha
♬"She's all up in ma head, now she in ma bed" why you in my bed?
-Leahh and Meeeeeeeeee
new starts
New friends, New teachers, New classes, New everything....
All these are fun I guess-_- but some I'm just mad at,grrr RAWR! haha. well i love my 6th period teacher, Mrs.Eddington<3 she has like a british accent and it's really something(: haha I like pe too, i guess. Caroline and her amazing singing does effect Duncan and the people around her but "hey who cares?" haha We'll just keep singing and singing puhaha. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this blog but I guess I'm just saying how the first few days of school were. They weren't perfect but they were "AIGHTTTTTTTTTT" haha. No crushes. More friends. Missing friends. Closer with friends. Losing friends. well yeahhh, oh and this year will probably have ALOT of drama, i think. hopefully not but drama already started when school started soooo whatever. OH and I love 3rd period with Sarah, Leah, Jack, Caroline, and ARTHURRRRR hahah this boy is seriously adorableeee<3 hahaha i love his skinny jeans(: school is good SO FAR. hopefully it stays this good or get's better.
PS: Chris Brown OR Nick Jonas?
PSS: I'm for Nick Jonasssss<3
xoxoxoxoxoxo, i miss you, i love you,
All these are fun I guess-_- but some I'm just mad at,grrr RAWR! haha. well i love my 6th period teacher, Mrs.Eddington<3 she has like a british accent and it's really something(: haha I like pe too, i guess. Caroline and her amazing singing does effect Duncan and the people around her but "hey who cares?" haha We'll just keep singing and singing puhaha. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this blog but I guess I'm just saying how the first few days of school were. They weren't perfect but they were "AIGHTTTTTTTTTT" haha. No crushes. More friends. Missing friends. Closer with friends. Losing friends. well yeahhh, oh and this year will probably have ALOT of drama, i think. hopefully not but drama already started when school started soooo whatever. OH and I love 3rd period with Sarah, Leah, Jack, Caroline, and ARTHURRRRR hahah this boy is seriously adorableeee<3 hahaha i love his skinny jeans(: school is good SO FAR. hopefully it stays this good or get's better.
PS: Chris Brown OR Nick Jonas?
PSS: I'm for Nick Jonasssss<3
xoxoxoxoxoxo, i miss you, i love you,
THE last of summer
thank you guys that hung out with me this summer, this was the best summer yet and you guys made that happen for me<3 im going to miss all of you guys, im probably not going to see most of you guys during school but just know that i love you guys and ill never forget you. School is tomorrow and that just reminded me of how much im going to miss this summer. the ECCkids, the new people i met, and my bestfriends<3 Annie, I still believe in it (= haha, well, I'm going to miss this summer and hopefully next summer can be drama-free and fun-er (: i want to turnback time if i can and live though summer everyday but I cant so i HAVE to let it go-_- stupid time goes sooooo fast. I can remember myself in the bus to palms springs and i was saying to myself "Make the best of it, it's going to be over soon" haha i was right (: and also in the Knott's line to ride Excelerator(?) haha, school better be awesome. seriously. im going to miss you SUMMER<3 school, here i come-_- (i sound like a disneychannel star >_<
To new and a betterthingssummer
thank you guys that hung out with me this summer, this was the best summer yet and you guys made that happen for me<3 im going to miss all of you guys, im probably not going to see most of you guys during school but just know that i love you guys and ill never forget you. School is tomorrow and that just reminded me of how much im going to miss this summer. the ECCkids, the new people i met, and my bestfriends<3 Annie, I still believe in it (= haha, well, I'm going to miss this summer and hopefully next summer can be drama-free and fun-er (: i want to turnback time if i can and live though summer everyday but I cant so i HAVE to let it go-_- stupid time goes sooooo fast. I can remember myself in the bus to palms springs and i was saying to myself "Make the best of it, it's going to be over soon" haha i was right (: and also in the Knott's line to ride Excelerator(?) haha, school better be awesome. seriously. im going to miss you SUMMER<3 school, here i come-_- (i sound like a disneychannel star >_<
To new and a better
First off, shout out to JessicaKwon for giving me hope that someone reads this blog (=
wowww, today was amazingly fun but tiring (x
haha, well first i hung out with Jane, Esther, and Annie Boannie<3
Puhaha, and we hung out at Glendale and I met couple of people i knoww like Andreww, you didn't say HI-_- Pshhh, that's like only time you talk to a girl, boy! Puha, justkidding (= Okay so then after that we were shopping forever. and i was EXTREMMELY hungry cause i didn't anything today until like 5-ish ): Sad poor Jessica T__T hmm, then we ent to the Apple store and took lots of fun pictures <3 Here are some :
Yeahhh so that was fun and then the food that I ate was like HEAVEN manggg (;
Hahaha, sorry but I don't have pictures of myself enjoying a wonderfully delightful hamburger >__<;
I'm sooo tired but I love ya'll that I hung with today (=
Till we all shop till we drop (literally-_-),
PS:: call me or annie and check out our voicemail(=
wowww, today was amazingly fun but tiring (x
haha, well first i hung out with Jane, Esther, and Annie Boannie<3
Puhaha, and we hung out at Glendale and I met couple of people i knoww like Andreww, you didn't say HI-_- Pshhh, that's like only time you talk to a girl, boy! Puha, justkidding (= Okay so then after that we were shopping forever. and i was EXTREMMELY hungry cause i didn't anything today until like 5-ish ): Sad poor Jessica T__T hmm, then we ent to the Apple store and took lots of fun pictures <3 Here are some :
Yeahhh so that was fun and then the food that I ate was like HEAVEN manggg (;
Hahaha, sorry but I don't have pictures of myself enjoying a wonderfully delightful hamburger >__<;
I'm sooo tired but I love ya'll that I hung with today (=
Till we all shop till we drop (literally-_-),
PS:: call me or annie and check out our voicemail(=
Oh God-_-
Can someone actually make SURE of things before they get people's hopes up?
Mom, I ficking hate you, just wanted you to know that.
Sooooo, obviously my day is bulls__tty ans this is because of my retarded mom.
I am soooo fucking pissed this blog is pointless to read because I'm just letting out my fucking anger with a keyboard. Seriously, I'm like ready shoot anyone that talks to me-_- That was mean but I seriously don't give a shit. I mean this isn't about the phonoe but it's what my mom does after we DIDN'T get my new phone, she has like a smile on her faceand I just want to vaccuum it off. She left to have coffee with her friend and I was soo close in punching her friend in the face. To the people I saw yesterdady, you guys know how much I wanted a new phone (as much as Grace wanted to shoot that girl that prank called her) GOSH mom doesn't even say "It's okay, let's just wait until then." Her with her fucking annoying attitude says "Too bad." Man, that bitch !
ARGHGHGGHGHGGHGHeerigyuoyh35erug0df y]-bn[etjgv 9seibogtjuer89puew8riogphdu bjrio0'ye48ith ite o yweueruiogyfhjbvgkhgfdigvkljfdhgrwigsdhyvsdfiuoghgdfuxvdfhgeuiigsrh
MAN I'm pissed.
Will anyone cheer my mood up?
Mom, I ficking hate you, just wanted you to know that.
Sooooo, obviously my day is bulls__tty ans this is because of my retarded mom.
I am soooo fucking pissed this blog is pointless to read because I'm just letting out my fucking anger with a keyboard. Seriously, I'm like ready shoot anyone that talks to me-_- That was mean but I seriously don't give a shit. I mean this isn't about the phonoe but it's what my mom does after we DIDN'T get my new phone, she has like a smile on her faceand I just want to vaccuum it off. She left to have coffee with her friend and I was soo close in punching her friend in the face. To the people I saw yesterdady, you guys know how much I wanted a new phone (as much as Grace wanted to shoot that girl that prank called her) GOSH mom doesn't even say "It's okay, let's just wait until then." Her with her fucking annoying attitude says "Too bad." Man, that bitch !
ARGHGHGGHGHGGHGHeerigyuoyh35erug0df y]-bn[etjgv 9seibogtjuer89puew8riogphdu bjrio0'ye48ith ite o yweueruiogyfhjbvgkhgfdigvkljfdhgrwigsdhyvsdfiuoghgdfuxvdfhgeuiigsrh
MAN I'm pissed.
Will anyone cheer my mood up?
JB date<3
Today, for no apperent reason, I went to JB (I dont know how to spell JohnB) and it was pretty fun meeting all them asian people that I probably may never see agin unless I go there (: That place is small ! But it was a great experience and yeahh. So basically this morning, I was dropped off to Annie's house and we were messing around with her mom until the funniest shit happened...
"엄마, 미국말로 __가뭐지?"
"VA-_- , 기역이잘안난다"
"아,,바자이나? 오맜다"
"그리고 남자의 __는?"
"that's rightt (cracking a freaking butts off)"
"아현이는 바자이나, 아빠는 딕."
hahahahahaha so that was fun, to those that can't read Korean, we were teaching her mom how to say dick and vagina (; Wowww, that sounds weird 0_0 Okayy soo after that we went to JB and met Jane & JIJI and the whole asian gang Puahaha. After that, we go to Linda's house and that place was a blast ! ME & JIJI are stage buddies FSHO shit, we were like dancing in the middle of the streets while cars were coming at us (: And then we were screaming out songs >__<;; Grace's house was fun too <3 But her dang dog was barkin' like there was no tomorrow and then Grace was like torturing it-_- and yeahhhh oh oh here's a picture of Linda's drawing to the doggy,
till the next time I type another blog,
Today, for no apperent reason, I went to JB (I dont know how to spell JohnB) and it was pretty fun meeting all them asian people that I probably may never see agin unless I go there (: That place is small ! But it was a great experience and yeahh. So basically this morning, I was dropped off to Annie's house and we were messing around with her mom until the funniest shit happened...
"엄마, 미국말로 __가뭐지?"
"VA-_- , 기역이잘안난다"
"아,,바자이나? 오맜다"
"그리고 남자의 __는?"
"that's rightt (cracking a freaking butts off)"
"아현이는 바자이나, 아빠는 딕."
hahahahahaha so that was fun, to those that can't read Korean, we were teaching her mom how to say dick and vagina (; Wowww, that sounds weird 0_0 Okayy soo after that we went to JB and met Jane & JIJI and the whole asian gang Puahaha. After that, we go to Linda's house and that place was a blast ! ME & JIJI are stage buddies FSHO shit, we were like dancing in the middle of the streets while cars were coming at us (: And then we were screaming out songs >__<;; Grace's house was fun too <3 But her dang dog was barkin' like there was no tomorrow and then Grace was like torturing it-_- and yeahhhh oh oh here's a picture of Linda's drawing to the doggy,
till the next time I type another blog,
HANA'S date w/ me & my sister
I love her camera but Imma wait til I get a Canon (; Canon's are best yo. Haha, so today I hung out with Hana and it was so fun. I went to her house and played & ate Mexican food :D Mmmmm~ Hahaha, then she came back to my house and played Game Cube and yeahh, It was an amazing day. Wowwww, I laughed my skinny butt off haha. Here are some pictures:
Sooooo yeahhh,
I love this girly and this was soooo fun. Laughing, eating, and laughing.
Forever and ever, Hana<3
xoxoxoxoxoxo-> To a person I miss dearly<3
Lala love, JessicaChoi
I love her camera but Imma wait til I get a Canon (; Canon's are best yo. Haha, so today I hung out with Hana and it was so fun. I went to her house and played & ate Mexican food :D Mmmmm~ Hahaha, then she came back to my house and played Game Cube and yeahh, It was an amazing day. Wowwww, I laughed my skinny butt off haha. Here are some pictures:
Sooooo yeahhh,
I love this girly and this was soooo fun. Laughing, eating, and laughing.
Forever and ever, Hana<3
xoxoxoxoxoxo-> To a person I miss dearly<3
Lala love, JessicaChoi
08 25 08
Take a walk everyday, it's pretty fun (;
prettyy funn
OH yeahhhhhhhh (;
You guys should check out the poll on this blog,
Please vote your butts off so that maybe my sister would be afraid to mess with me because if she does, she fucking dead. This may sound mean but she's like the devil's child, she's a DICK becasue she has one, looks like one, and smells like one (ew). Hahahas. Please support me by lettting me think that shooting my sister is a good idea (: Haha, but seriously, this is a poll for fun. I dont have a gun so don't worry (;
xoxo, JessicaChoi
prettyy funn
OH yeahhhhhhhh (;
You guys should check out the poll on this blog,
Please vote your butts off so that maybe my sister would be afraid to mess with me because if she does, she fucking dead. This may sound mean but she's like the devil's child, she's a DICK becasue she has one, looks like one, and smells like one (ew). Hahahas. Please support me by lettting me think that shooting my sister is a good idea (: Haha, but seriously, this is a poll for fun. I dont have a gun so don't worry (;
xoxo, JessicaChoi
08 24 08
Now, today was soo boring and dear Jane and I were chatting and she kept making things up. That weirdo-_- JANE, I don't think your supposed to do that, but that's why I love her so whateverr. BTW people that believed Jane's retarded AIM info, this is the OJ IMconversation okay?
l1ljane (오후 5:06:37): i keep thinking that Joesph is my sister O_O
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:46): hahahaa
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:48): he is MINE !
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:49): (;
and "MINE" ment "he's my little brother", okay? Don't ever believe Jane unless she has like a very serious poker face on :D
"Its always funny,until someone gets hurt.
Then its Hysterical. " -SharonKim's Myspace <3
Now, there's only one person that describes this to me,
This show is fucking hilarious,
JIJI ! OHburn, Laybackk hahahahahaah (;
Basically, Today was boring.
l1ljane (오후 5:06:37): i keep thinking that Joesph is my sister O_O
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:46): hahahaa
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:48): he is MINE !
theegurlfrang (오후 5:06:49): (;
and "MINE" ment "he's my little brother", okay? Don't ever believe Jane unless she has like a very serious poker face on :D
"Its always funny,until someone gets hurt.
Then its Hysterical. " -SharonKim's Myspace <3
Now, there's only one person that describes this to me,
This show is fucking hilarious,
JIJI ! OHburn, Laybackk hahahahahaah (;
Basically, Today was boring.
08 23 08
Now, this is my new blog thingy and this is pretty fun.
Typing to myself and hoping someone would read it is exciting (x
I am a first timer so don't critisize me bad blogging, whatever that may be,
I'll start this by describing my wonderful day, it was pretty good,,
Today I hung out with a couple of friends,Jane & Joseph, and it was cool and they did make me laugh like the retard then he left. Jane and I did have lots of fun afterwards I am (: So, we hung out at KTown and we watched Tropic Thunder, and drank boba. Mmmmm yummy in my tummy haha. Joseph had to leave early so yeahh-_- It was all good though (; I want to show ya'll how fun it actually was but my dumbass camera didn't have battery, haha. Overall, the short day was full of movie-hopping, laughing, and just having fun.
Which is better? I agree with Pineapple Express (;
To all the people I go to school with, a couple more days and I'll finally see all ya'll awesome callipygian butts (x
PS. Joseph, I love that you care <3
Puhaha, I just can't wait till then, buh byeee,
Jessica Choi
Typing to myself and hoping someone would read it is exciting (x
I am a first timer so don't critisize me bad blogging, whatever that may be,
I'll start this by describing my wonderful day, it was pretty good,,
Today I hung out with a couple of friends,Jane & Joseph, and it was cool and they did make me laugh like the retard then he left. Jane and I did have lots of fun afterwards I am (: So, we hung out at KTown and we watched Tropic Thunder, and drank boba. Mmmmm yummy in my tummy haha. Joseph had to leave early so yeahh-_- It was all good though (; I want to show ya'll how fun it actually was but my dumbass camera didn't have battery, haha. Overall, the short day was full of movie-hopping, laughing, and just having fun.
Which is better? I agree with Pineapple Express (;
To all the people I go to school with, a couple more days and I'll finally see all ya'll awesome callipygian butts (x
PS. Joseph, I love that you care <3
Puhaha, I just can't wait till then, buh byeee,
Jessica Choi
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