
21 hours

of no food.
it's like... the I-Search.
feels like hell but somehow relieved at the end to be snacking on a big bowl of rice (like the asian i am) teehee. it wasn't just out of nowhere that i decided not to eat. I was mad at my mom and somehow didnt want to eat anything that was hers. which was nothing in my house. so i starved. waking up everyhour during the night; i guess this is how anorexic people felt

im not anorexic
i eat wayyyyyyyyy more than you probably do
unless your jiin, jkwon or annniekins

hahaha yeah my 21 hours of death
but the hour right after it, feels like heaven

ps, dont try this,
you get a big stomache(?) because your stomach is shrucken


kitty said...

hhahaha wow
i don't think i could survive like that o_o

jessica said...

i thought too
but i think it was still
kinda like an experience to myself

kitty said...

i see what you're saying
i think imma get a peony on my left arm
and cursive-d name on my arm/wrist
owl on my left arm
and something on my fingers
wings on my back

jessica said...

i have lots of tattoo's in mind(: