well yeahhh
it's pretty good.
and i just watched a video on vegetarianism and
it's something im considering on.
you should all consider
at first i was like, NO i eat meat. nothing's going to change that
but the way animals are treated are worse then
the slaves back in history. I think that being a vegetarian can help this promblem.
please watch this video and consider it.
"yu dont have to put un-
nessary(?) shit in your blog
stating what i said & that it didnt make sense."
you said i don't have to
but i want to
who are you to tell me what i put on my blog or not? o_o
"if im explaining something and
you dont get it, then just say
that you dont.
cause "STFU (-:"?
are you fucking trying to
make me feel stupid?"
your not explaining it correctly
you don't even KNOW the story
you say you know it, but honey
for the damn last time you don't
so trying to explain yourself is getting nowhere, really
"your so stupid it's amazing"
yeah you're pretty stupid too
"i can state state whatever i want about GLADIATORS.
and it doesnt bother me.
why would it?
im just asking if you have any or not
fuck it's so stupid how you brought that up"
& i replied to you
"and don't tell me that it's stupid that i brought the gladiator thing up
when did the world go by your rules?"
because you think it's stupid that i brought the gladiator thing up
and don't tell me what i'm bringing up is stupid or not
and don't fucking tell me that i'm psycho
look who's talking
if you didn't bring ANYTHING up
we wouldn't have been fighting
if YOU didn't say anything like
"i think it's dumb how you're made at annie"
we wouldn't get here.
yeah, i didn't think so.
btw if you think that what i'm writing on my blog is unnecessary
i'm pretty sure it's unnecessary that you visit my blog
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