Susan Kim ahhh i just finished the last episodeand i cried so muchand goojunpyos soooo fucking hottt when he comes back from america 4 years laterhes likeee too hot for me to handleeeahhh freaking i want him soo bad, i want him, like exactly him to be my boyfriend and get married and have beautiful childrenjessica, you dont understand all the emotions that im feeling rightnowwwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why is he a character, i wanna be jandi righ tnowfreaking cutiehotassmotherfuckerrrrrrr fuck me.and.... jihoo gets glassesss !! ewwww, he looks like an old fart. i decided that im seriously in love. im like head over heels goojunpyo and my life mission is to find someone exactly like himRICHHH, fucking hottt, tall, hotass body, and balbhlabhlabhlasbhalhbalbah
Yesterday at 6:14pm
hahahahah susan, you cutieeee
we both wish for a guy like junpyo :]
but honestly jandi's life sucked for a while.
whateverrr sooooooo
today was really fun
and i played with everyone's hair so much haahaha
like sam's or galen's (:

isn't he a beauty?
ohh and i finished the drawing for us sarah!
it's not the best but i spent the time for my hw on this!

tada! hahahaha cute, no?
well yeah im like growing obessed with this picture

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